Gratitude for the Present

"Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary." ~ Margaret Cousins

What does the day ahead look like for you? Or, if you’re reading this at the end of your day, what did your day entail? Perhaps there is traveling, preparing, or talking. Maybe there are hugs, phone calls, or games. Are stories, community-building, or sharing a part of your day?

However your day looks, whether it meets your expectations or not, I hope you experience beautiful moments when you can be in the moment, thankful for this space in time. Take the time to tell those gathered around you and the loved ones missed that you are grateful for them. Intentionally consider what you have right here, right now. Be thankful for those positive things. You even have the freedom to find a sense of gratitude for the challenges you’re currently going through, because you trust that even though the solution may be unclear, you will be stronger and more empathetic from these experiences.

May you feel blessed and nourished today. Happy Thanksgiving!

Day #23: Share a tradition you’re thankful for.


Gratitude for the Future


Gratitude for the Past