
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, 

but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

~ Maya Angelou

I will never forget the feeling, 

Stepping into Miss’ room every day.

It felt like stepping into myself. 

There was a warmth and beauty about the space 

That didn’t come from old cupboards and worn textbooks.

I know where it came from - straight from her heart.

She had a way of listening, of knowing us inside and out.

She could glance at us in the hallway and see in an instant if something was wrong.

Miss always had the right words to say - like magic.

It was unexplainable - unforgettable.

What I remember about Mister is his smile.

It would light up the whole room!

It wouldn’t matter if you just failed a test or got bullied during recess.

In Mister’s room, you were important just for being you.

But it was more than that.

Mister believed in us - truly believed.

His eyes got wide and intent every time someone shared an answer or story. 

You would’ve thought he was hearing a world-famous speech!

Nothing could compete for his attention when he was around us.

It was unbelievable - unforgettable.

From “Called to the Classroom: Daily Reflections for Educators” by Christina Meline


Thank You

