Teacher Tip Tuesday: Create a Morning Ritual

“An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Okay, you may not have an early-morning walk as a part of your morning routine, but we are going to take Henry David Thoreau’s sentiment as our idea for this Teacher Tip Tuesday. Do you have a morning ritual? Something you do before you go into the school building each day that helps you physically, mentally, or emotionally prepare for the day? I think this can be incredibly powerful. As I was starting my teaching career, one of my mentors told me, “This is a difficult job. You’re walking in those doors to be present for your students. So you need to find a way to check your own personal baggage at the door.”

As teachers, I believe there’s a place for acknowledging our personal life - joys and challenges - in the work environment. We are human, and to do our jobs well, we need to show up as our real selves. But my mentor’s advice was also real. We have a tough job and sometimes we may have to discipline our minds to compartmentalize in order to be present for our students.

My before school ritual is arriving at school about 20 minutes earlier than I plan to be in the building. With that time, I sit in my car and have some spiritual reflection time. I also write down an intention for the day. Sometimes this time is spent in tears. Sometimes I feel excited and motivated for the day ahead. No matter how I show up to that parking lot, I do my best to “check my baggage” in my car and leave it there. 

Your morning ritual may be: One quiet minute with your cup of coffee, writing down something you’re thankful for, working out, listening to a podcast on your way to work, or watering your plants. Whatever this intentional practice is, I hope it brings you comfort and peace before you begin your work day. If you don’t have a particular ritual in the morning, consider this your invitation to explore what may be a blessing for the whole day.


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I Am Victorious