Inviting Change

“I hope I never give up on the reality that every person has the capacity to change.”

~ Desmond Tutu

This week, we have explored the question: In what areas of your life are you hoping for healing? Once we identify these areas, the next step is inviting opportunities for this healing to take place. This can be uncomfortable. Anytime we make the decision to pursue healing, growth, and restoration, we will experience changes in some way. And change of any kind, whether positive or negative, almost always feels vulnerable and risky. Are we willing to embrace an openness to change if it leads to more physical and emotional healing in our lives?

Here are some guiding questions for your reflection:

  • How have you been intentionally seeking healing in the past days, weeks, and months?

  • Where do you feel the most peaceful?

  • How are you currently navigating your challenges?

  • What areas feel scary or intimidating to begin exploring in your life?

  • What are some possible next steps you would like to take on your healing journey?

  • Who may be invited to walk alongside you during this time?


Discovering Hope


Our Choice to Carry