Called to the Classroom: Author Talk
Going deeper into the journey behind “Called to the Classroom: Daily Reflections for Educators,” Christina Meline shares her motivation for writing this message to teachers. She shares her insights into the joys and challenges facing education today, and empowers her listeners to boldly embrace their call to the classroom.
The Value of “I Am”
Our identity is at the core of what we do and our motivation behind it. Christina Meline invites teachers to explore truths about who they are by naming “I am” statements to ground their school year. This practice creates a ripple-effect that empowers students to name positive truths about themselves as well.
This workshop is impactful in both public school settings and faith-based learning environments. When scheduling your workshop with Christina, please specify whether or not you would prefer a faith-integrated conversation.
Intentional Noticing: An Efficient Approach to Relationship-Building
One of the most important qualities of a strong educator is building relationships with students. Cultivating a foundation of trust is an essential part of beginning the school year. But as classroom responsibilities increase and challenges arise, it can be difficult to authentically get to know each student.
Christina Meline outlines an intentional, efficient observation approach to build connections with each student by the end of the first month of school. This can be used in any classroom to fit the style of the educator or coach, and adapted to meet the needs of students in that space.