The Impact of Education
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” ~ Nelson Mandela
Here we are - almost in the middle of April - and I’m only just now introducing our theme for this month! Isn’t that how April feels sometimes? This time of the year seems to fly by! Our theme for this month is: The Impact of Education. On Monday, our “Called to the Classroom” excerpt celebrated the impact of educators, naming several notable examples and sharing my personal experience. In our previous reflection, we took some time to acknowledge the impact Team Meline is having in our local and wider communities. Today, I’d like to invite you to to take a few moments to consider how this theme shows up in your life:
When you were a student…
Who were some of your favorite teachers?
What did these teachers do that made such an impact on your life?
How did you feel when you were around these teachers?
What lasting impact have they had on your life?
Have you had the opportunity to thank them?
As a teacher…
What do you believe the purpose of education is?
What stories do you have of students you have positively impacted?
(Note: Write these stories down somewhere if you haven’t already. Come back to them when you need encouragement.)
How have you witnessed your students learning and growing this year?
When your students think back to having you as a teacher, how do you want them to remember you?
How do you want your students to feel when they are with you?