I Am Vulnerable
“We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you. We are not withholding yours from us. As a fair exchange - I speak to you as my children - open wide your hearts also.” ~ 2 Corinthians 6:11-13 (NIV)
Teaching and type 1 diabetes is a bittersweet combination. On the first day of every school year, I tell my students about my disease in case they are wondering where the beeps on my insulin pump are coming from, or why I am drinking apple juice while teaching a math lesson. I always hope it doesn't make me a less impactful teacher, and many days, it has left me feeling like a teacher my students don't deserve - a teacher with defects. This is a vulnerable place to be. However, I have had many moments where I have seen the "sweet" in the midst of the bitter.
One day, while reading a book about Temple Grandin with a small group of students, one asked me, "Is it hard having diabetes?" I looked at her and said, "Honestly, yes. Some days are good and some days are hard. But on a hard day, I always know that soon I'm going to have another good day, so I just have to get through it." The student nodded, and we continued reading.
Our children need to see humanness and vulnerability modeled. They are growing up in a time where they see "perfection" displayed on every form of media around them. If they don't witness how adults handle hardship, they will grow up thinking they are alone in their feelings of struggle and imperfection. Let’s risk being vulnerable with one another and with our children. It may result in an impact far beyond our knowledge.
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You:
Today, may the Holy Spirit give you peace and freedom to be vulnerable.
May you know deep in your soul you are not less worthy because you experience struggle.
May God’s design for vulnerability be revealed to you; for when you are vulnerable, connections are deepened with one another and with God.
May God use your example to help others feel seen, known, and loved, cultivating compassion within your space.
(From “Called to the Classroom: Daily Reflections for Educators” Day #100 I Am Vulnerable)