I Am Drained

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” ~ Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV) 

It was not even ten minutes after I returned from taking my students out to the buses, and I was already writing my to-do list on the whiteboard for that evening. All the while, I was mentally revisiting conversations and interactions I had with students throughout the day. End-of-the-day exhaustion, intertwined with self-criticism and the daily tasks that never end, left me feeling heavy and drained. 

Then I received a text from a friend, checking in on my day. In my reply message, I honestly admitted I was tired. The next text was simply: “Matthew 11:28-29. You should look it up right now.” I followed the advice. These verses were familiar to me, but something about that moment made me realize that this Scripture passage needed to become my “after school verses.” 

Perhaps, we need this reminder daily because our responsibilities are overwhelming and our work is incredibly important. God has called us to this profession knowing we cannot do it alone. He must bear the burdens. He invites us to rest and put aside what is outside of our control. Our role is not easy, but we know His mighty hands are stronger than our heaviest burdens. 

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You: 

In the morning, may you come before Christ and entrust the day to Him. 

As burdens accumulate in the midst of your day, may your natural reaction be to bring them to God.

At the end of your day, may you be given the strength and peace to leave your cares with God, trusting Him for timing, provision, and love.

Day #20: Think of at least one student who you’re thankful for. 

Action Item: Tell ALL your students you are thankful for them.


The Wonder of Gratitude


Throughout the Day