A Team Effort

As we look ahead to less than two months left of the school year, in what areas are you still hoping your students will make growth?

Often this is a lingering question in our minds, as educators. We celebrate the students’ academic and social/emotional progress thus far, and we yearn for additional development by the end of the school year. That last day may feel as though it is our last chance to make a difference in students’ lives.

I’d like to remind you today that you are not alone on this journey. Your impact this year is incredibly important. You have inspired and empowered so many students! The teachers and mentors your students will have next year will also be influential in supporting these students. It is truly a team effort, and we cannot go it alone. 

Every day, simply do the best you can in that moment. After the bell rings and the students head home, I invite you to take a deep breath and remember that, no matter what, you are enough.


Light, Joy, & Peace


Pick Them Up.